What an advertisement Volkswagen has made

What an advertisement Volkswagen has made

सभी दर्शकों को एक ही समय पर कॉल किया।
दर्शकों ने मोबाइल उठाया
और फिर अचानक से क्या हुआ
What an advertisement Volkswagen has made

वीडियो देखने के लिए YouTube लिंक पर
क्लिक करें

A reminder to keep your Eyes
on the Road
Mobile use in now the Leading Cause
of Death behind the Wheel

What an advertisement Volkswagen has made
Why You Should Not Use a Mobile Phone While Driving. It is extremely dangerous to use a mobile phone while driving. It diverts the driver’s attention from the road, making it harder to react to changing road conditions or other drivers. This distraction can lead to accidents, some of which can be fatal.
Why should mobile phones not be used while driving

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